Wednesday, July 28, 2021

New book: "Instagram y la desmemoria. El feed en la enseñanza de proyectos"


The book "Instagram and Forgiveness. The Feed in the Teaching of Architectural Design" is already available for free at

Follow the link bellow to get your free copy, and, if you like it, please feel free to write a review:

"Instagram and Forgiveness. The Feed in the Teaching of Architectural Design" summarizes the results of a scholar research into the use of the social network Instagram in the teaching of architectural design, especially as a collaborative tool for the production of architecture and the internalization of higher education. It is an eminently graphic book that collects the most interesting contributions made by the students of the School of Architecture of Madrid, ETSAM in Spain and the NC State School of Architecture in the College of Design in the United States of America between 2017 and 2019. It also contains articles by the author and other studio instructors.

“Instagram y la desmemoria. El feed en la enseñanza de proyectos” resume los resultados de una indagación sobre el uso de la red social Instagram en la enseñanza de proyectos arquitectónicos, especialmente como una herramienta colaborativa para la producción de arquitectura y la internalización de las enseñanzas. Se trata de un libro eminentemente gráfico que recoge las contribuciones más interesantes realizadas por los alumnos de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid ETSAM en España y NC State School of Architecture in the College of Design en los Estados Unidos de América entre 2017 y 2019. Contiene también artículos del autor y de otros profesores del taller.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

New book: "Meet Myths. New Architects with Fine Arts Academics"

The book "Meet Myths. New Architects with Fine Arts Academics" is already available for free at

Follow the link bellow to get your free copy and, if you like it, please feel free to write a review: 

MEET MYTHS was a School-Academy initiative of LAB 4 and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Spain. New architects (students from UPM ETSAM post-professional course LAB 4) meet Fine Arts Academics sculptor Julio López Hernández, architect Antonio F. Alba, composer Luis de Pablo, painter Rafael Canogar and film director Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón through dialogues that take place in the artists' own creative scenarios.  

MEET MYTHS es una inciativa conjunta de LAB 4 y la Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Jóvenes arquitectos (alumnos del curso de posgrado LAB 4 – MPAA DPA ETSAM UPM) se encuentran con los académicos Julio López Hernández, escultor, Antonio F. Alba, arquitecto, Luis de Pablo, compositor, Rafael Canogar, pintor, y Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, director de cine, a través de diálogos que tienen lugar en los propios escenarios creativos de los artistas.